Friday, July 12, 2013

The Grand Canyon... Look Out Below!

On our way to Mexico, we stopped at Lee's Ferry / the Grand Canyon. We only got a little taste of it's jaw dropping grandness, but it was amazing! (and really, really HOT!). I always get a little nervous with kids looking over the edge, gives me butterflies. But I was brave and crossed the bridge anyhow.

Here's a little taste of it's beauty...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Piñatas & Cousins

I love family reunions. Especially ones' with lot's of kids and piñatas. The kids play from dawn to dusk, the adults visit and neglect their children, and everyone gets really dirty (at least at our family reunions!).

This summer, we spent our family reunion at Deer Springs Ranch, Utah. Lot's of hiking, playing and eating. On our last night there we had not one, but three piñatas. Plenty of hits, plenty of candy. The kids all lined up from smallest to biggest and patiently waited their turn to hit the piñata. I'm happy to report there were only two casualties! Unfortunately both my children. One got "attacked" by the piñata and the other got dog-piled by all the other children while diving for candy.

Two of my favorite piñata photos...