Monday, July 16, 2012

Strawberry Fields.

One of my favorite summer activities is visiting farms and picking strawberries and blueberries. Maybe because I was raised on a farm, maybe because I love the taste of fresh berries, or maybe I just like to torture my children in 90 degree weather by making them pick berries. 

I thought maybe if we got to the fields by 10 am we'd be okay. But it was already a sweltering 90 degrees. After 10 minutes in the fields, my kids were hot, sweaty and tired. Luckily, Parlee Farms sells ice cream and strawberry donuts - which I, being a smart mother, used as bribery. Oh, and they also have farm animals for your viewing pleasure.

So now we get to enjoy homemade strawberry jam all year round... and of course I got some great strawberry field photos! 

Can you tell I wore them out?

Friday, July 13, 2012

Sweet and feminine... a little bit Rock 'n roll.

Not only does Hannah have eyes to die for, but she moves as graceful as a dancer. (And yes, I asked her, she does have some ballet in her background). I loved how one minute, she looked sweet and feminine and then with a change of clothes she was more rock 'n roll. Which do you prefer?


Friday, July 6, 2012

In a field with Kylie!

Have I told you how much I love photographing teens in general? I get to pretend for a little bit that I'm a fashion photographer, photographing an amazing model. Miss Kylie was no exception. Even though it was a cloudy, rainy day and the sun was getting ready to set, we managed to find an open field and get some really great shots. Here are some of my favorites!