Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hotel Living Week 7!

There was a time when I thought staying in a hotel was fun - it was related to a nice vacation. No more! As many of you know, my family and I recently moved to Boston. We enjoyed the first hotel we stayed at. Swimming, exercise room, room service, not having to clean up after yourself. Now that we're in our third hotel, that's right THIRD, it is no longer that fun!

As we await for our house to be ready for move in, we get to enjoy living in a semi-ghetto hotel with 3 kids and only two beds. If that doesn't say "good time" I don't know what does! No longer is the FREE breakfast exciting, or the having your room cleaned nice, it's all just over-rated.

So, as I sit here on my laptop typing, my kids are in the room having a pillow fight and pretty much destroying all the maid's hard work. CHEERS to hotel living!

(Disclaimer: Photos taken with my iphone in a dark hotel room.)

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